Days 6-8
Viimeisiä Hollanti-päivityksiä viedään, tuskin kuitenkaan tämän vuoden viimeisempiä, koska kesäkuussa tulossa lisää Hollanti-materiaalia! ;)
It`s time for the last Holland post but I can promise there is coming up more posts about Holland on the next month when it`s time to do comeback there.
It`s time for the last Holland post but I can promise there is coming up more posts about Holland on the next month when it`s time to do comeback there.
Sunnuntaina Z:n ollessa töissä tapasimme KOLMANNEN Hollanti-ystävämme R:än! R nappasi minut ja Santun autonsa kyytiin majapaikkamme oven edestä ja kiidätti meitä autolla ympäri puukenkämaata. Suuntasimme ensiksi moikkaamaan Z:ää hänen työpaikalleen, ihanaan rantakahvilaan, josta tilasimme Z:ltä itseltään nämä herkullisen näköiset kaakaot.
On Sunday while Z was working we met our third Dutch friend. R picked me and Santtu up in front of Z`s place and drove us around a beautiful country. First we headed to Z`s workplace, to the beautiful beach cafè. We ordered from Z these delicious hot chocolates with cream.
On Sunday while Z was working we met our third Dutch friend. R picked me and Santtu up in front of Z`s place and drove us around a beautiful country. First we headed to Z`s workplace, to the beautiful beach cafè. We ordered from Z these delicious hot chocolates with cream.
Kaakaoiden jälkeen suuntasimme katselemaan ympäri Alankomaiden rannikkoa suunnaten valtavalle hiekkarannalle. Kelit eivät olleet ehkä ihan otolliset rantailuun, elettiinhän tuolloin maaliskuuta, mutta maisemat olivat silti hienot. Käveltyämme tovin päädyimme (yllätys yllätys) syömään pannukakkuja näköala-ravintolaan.
After drinks we continued to the coast side of Netherlands visiting around such a beautiful beach area. Weather wasn`t so correct for spending time at beach because, it was a bit cold March then, but instead of swimming and burning our skin in the sun we walked around and enjoyed a beautiful view. In the end of our "hard" walking period we took a break at atmospheric pancake place ( Surpriseeeee!)
Maanantai ja tiistai kuluivat kummallisessa sumussa, koska olimme hyvin voipuneita matkasta. Nukuimme pitkään, katsastimme Amsterdamia uudestaan ja otimme väsyneitä videoita joista huomaa selkeästi väsyneen mielentilamme. Tiistaina, lähtöpäivänämme, meitä hemmoteltiin auringolla ja lämpötilalukemat kohosivat ainakin 15 Celsiukseen. Oli karua jättää puukenkämaa taakseen ja suunnata Suomen pakkasten keskelle.
We felt so exhausting tired on Monday and Tuesday with Santtu so we spent time just hanging around, sleeping late and walking around in Amsterdam city. We took together really tired and crazy videos and it`s easy to notice our state of mind while watching them. On Tuesday when we were up to travel back home the weather was very warm, 15 C! It felt a bit hard to leave behind the country knowing an extremely cold weather was waiting us in Finland.
After drinks we continued to the coast side of Netherlands visiting around such a beautiful beach area. Weather wasn`t so correct for spending time at beach because, it was a bit cold March then, but instead of swimming and burning our skin in the sun we walked around and enjoyed a beautiful view. In the end of our "hard" walking period we took a break at atmospheric pancake place ( Surpriseeeee!)
The city of hearts. On our way to the beach:
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The beach side:
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We felt so exhausting tired on Monday and Tuesday with Santtu so we spent time just hanging around, sleeping late and walking around in Amsterdam city. We took together really tired and crazy videos and it`s easy to notice our state of mind while watching them. On Tuesday when we were up to travel back home the weather was very warm, 15 C! It felt a bit hard to leave behind the country knowing an extremely cold weather was waiting us in Finland.
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